· Irreparably broken I used to use this app every single day to listen to hours of my backlog of my favorite podcasts, then Apple suddenly switched directions and completely removed the ability for users to load and store old episodes of podcasts and manage them as they like/5(K). · Find podcast episodes in your library. Tap the Library tab, then tap Shows. Tap the Followed tab to see the podcasts that you follow in the Apple Podcasts app and the ones that you manually add through a URL. To also see any shows that you saved or downloaded episodes from, tap the All tab. Tap the podcast show that you want to listen topfind247.coted Reading Time: 3 mins. Download, save, and share podcast episodes on iPhone. In the Podcasts app, you can download, save, and share podcast episodes.
I can barely download any podcast. Episode of podcast is usually downloaded to 99%, then it stops and after several seconds the message which you've decribed, appears. I have last version of iOS and last version of podcast app on my IP4. I've tried all solutions described here, but none of them worked. Go To Storage, search for Podcast, choose offload app, the downloaded episodes will be bulked together by the channels. click edit and you are able to remove all downloaded episodes from that channel. Irreparably broken I used to use this app every single day to listen to hours of my backlog of my favorite podcasts, then Apple suddenly switched directions and completely removed the ability for users to load and store old episodes of podcasts and manage them as they like.
Find podcast episodes in your library. Tap the Library tab, then tap Shows. Tap the Followed tab to see the podcasts that you follow in the Apple Podcasts app and the ones that you manually add through a URL. To also see any shows that you saved or downloaded episodes from, tap the All tab. Tap the podcast show that you want to listen to. To download podcasts on iPhone: Step 1. Open Podcasts on your iPhone and find the shows or episodes you like. Step 2. Tap the shows/episodes and choose "Subscribe." Step 3. Move to the Library and you will see the show/episode you have just subscribed to. Step 4. Click the podcast you want to download, choose "Available Episodes," and click the plus button next to the items you'd like to download. Irreparably broken I used to use this app every single day to listen to hours of my backlog of my favorite podcasts, then Apple suddenly switched directions and completely removed the ability for users to load and store old episodes of podcasts and manage them as they like.